There's magic in singing, there's magic in sound, there's magic in music wherever it's found.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Shadow Dancing
Mr. Groundhog
We've been talking about Groundhog Day in music this week. We learned that a famous legend tells that the groundhog can predict the weather by whether or not he sees his shadow. We learned this fun song and then pretended to be a groundhog poking his head out of his burrow after a long Winter of hibernating. See if you can predict if we'll have 6 more weeks of winter, or if spring will come early....
To Infinity and Beyond!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Getting around the "black videos"
In the meantime, I'll try to re-post and see if that helps.
Good luck!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dum, Ditty - drumming #2
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Freeze and Melt!
Then we skated, made snow angels, rolled in the snow and pretended to throw snowballs at one another.
Freeze and melt along with us as we play "Freeze and Melt!"
We are all like snowflakes!
We looked at pictures of real snowflakes (Snowflakes by Kenneth George Libbrecht).
We cut out snowflakes and danced to "We Are All Like a Snowflake" by Greg and Steve.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Stand Up" Welcome Song
We say "hello" in many different languages: source: Certainly I am slaughtering the pronunciation, so bear with us. Feel free to let us know if you have other languages you'd like to share!
Once there was a snowman...
For more snowman singing fun try "Once There Were Some Snowmen", or "In the Sun They Melted" by InsideOut A capella. They sing versions of this preschool favorite in a variety of musical genres. The kids LOVE dancing along, and you'll enjoy all the musical memories from U2 to the Beach Boys and Kermit the Frog.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
It's Drumming Month!

We'll be doing all sorts of drumming activities in music this month.
This week we read Max Found Two Sticks, by Brian Pinkney (Aladdin, 1997). In the story, Max explores different kinds of instruments for tapping.
We talked about all the different things Max drummed on, and what they sounded like.
As you read the book, be sure to watch for how Max responds to each person's question, and the only word Max actually utters.
Then we pulled out our "claves" (music sticks) and tapped along to Hap Palmer's "Tap Your Sticks" from his album Rhythms on Parade (you can download this on itunes, or off amazon). ("Woodpecker" is another fun Hap Palmer drumming song).
Then, we spread out several different kinds of things like boxes, milk jugs, pans, tinfoil, etc. around the room and took turns tapping along to music on each "instrument", just like Max.
You can pick up your own sticks (like Max), or use pencils, spoons, chopsticks, dowels, etc. and tap around the house. See how many different kinds of sounds you can find!
Watch for more drumming activities each week this month!